Monday, October 26, 2015

Cooperative Principle #7—Concern for Community

In honor of Cooperative Month, we will highlight Cooperative Principles each week!

Today we are highlighting the last principle, Cooperative Principle #7—Concern for Community.

While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of communities, including people of modest means, through policies developed and accepted by the members.

Let's review!

1. Voluntary Membership
2. Democratic Member Control
3. Members’ Economic Participation
4. Autonomy and Independence
5. Education, Training and Information
6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives
7. Concern for Community

These seven principles are founded in the philosophy of cooperation and its central values of equality, equity and mutual self-help. They express, around the world, the principles of human development and the brotherhood of man through people working together to achieve a better life for themselves and their community.

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